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Why Go Organic?

First we need to understand what Organic actually means? DEFRA describes organic food as "the product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilisers, pesticides; growth regulators and livestock feed additives.Irradiation and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or products produced from or by GMOs are generally prohibited by organic legislation." - DEFRA

Animal Welfare

Ensuring all animals reared for meat and animal products have a good life is at the heart of Soil Association standards.

Organic farming has the highest animal welfare standards of any international farming system; this means truly-free range animals, encouraged to forage, graze and roam, with plenty of space, fresh air, and conditions that allow them to express their natural behaviours.

Animals under organic certification also undergo less treatments with antibiotics and dewormers.

The Planet

Designed to respect nature and to enhance the health of soils, water and air, organic farming is leading the way on sustainability.

This means:

No artificial fertilisers

Healthier soils, that store more carbon

Meat that's more environmentally friendly

Less nitrogen pollution

Benefits Nature & Wildlife

Organic farmers use fewer pesticides, and have to only use pesticides under very special conditions. Instead of pesticides, farmers use other animals to act as controls. They also farm in a way that encourages wildlife, such as planting trees or digging ponds, resulting in a more ecologically diverse farm.

Organic farming supports cleaner water for wildlife

The nitrogen fertilisers used in conventional farming can create ‘ocean dead zones’ which deprive life below water of vital oxygen. This can kill fish and other aquatic life. Organic standards ban the use of these manufactured fertilisers, lowering the risk of pollution in rivers, seas and waterways.


You might be asking yourself if organic food is safer than conventional products.

Organic farming joins the dots between our own health and the health of our planet, our animals and our wildlife:

Fewer pesticides

Fewer additives and preservatives

No genetically modified GM ingredients

Reduced use of antibiotics

Nutritious food

Organic standards prohibit:

Hydrogenated fats

Controversial artificial food colourings, sweeteners and preservatives

And prevent organic fruit and vegetables from being washed in chlorine

No GM ingredients

Their limited capability, plus the high cost of producing a commercial GM crop or animal, means that the technology is often targeted at profitable, but short-term fixes that don’t address root causes.

Whilst GM foods are very limited in the UK, most non-organic livestock are fed them. As such GM-fed meat, egg and dairy is widespread and unlabelled in supermarkets.

Food produced using fewer antibiotics. The overuse of antibiotics in human and animal medicine is undermining their ability to cure life-threatening infections. The more sparingly we use our antibiotics, the more effective they will remain.

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